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That's alot of money to spend on a bike to only do 11 second quarter miles when it's possible to get into the 9's on a lowered stock 600.

And for all you flamers out there: If you don't want to hear about a modified Kawi, then maybe you should go to a Honda forum... oh wait...
Discussion starter · #43 ·
we're estimating this bike should be able to pull some 7's seeing as how a stock zx10 will do 8.6 stock
wow....i've never seen any stock bike go that fast. I guess it depends on the driver. the fasteest I've ever seen stock was a Busa at 9.7s, and it was really not completely stock. It was lowered and streched. I definately wouldn't doubt that kind of speed especially if you had a light driver that could pull a good hole shot.
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